Saturday 17 May 2014

Facebook for Your Business: Why You Should Create a Facebook Page

Should you start using Facebook for your business promotion needs? The answer is pretty much a no-brainer, especially if your business is largely based online. And if you don't have a website but feel the need to create an online presence for your company, a Facebook page is the perfect alternative.
Let's talk a little bit about the benefits your company or website will enjoy when you use Facebook for your business. First of all, since Facebook is free to use, you don't have to invest in a domain name and web hosting if you don't want to. Some companies use their Facebook page solely for the purpose of acting as their official website. Some even employ Facebook add-ons to add full-page graphics to their Facebook walls.
These are often click-able, and can direct viewers to a special promotion on your website or to a product you are selling.
Next, Facebook offers probably the best way to find out who likes your company. With just a simple click of the "Like" button, your fans can subscribe to all of your updates, post comments on your statuses, write on your Facebook wall and more. The more interaction you allow on your page (which can be edited in the page settings area), the more you'll encourage your followers to pay attention to what you say when you post an update.

You can use your platform on Facebook to notify fans of changes to your website, sales and promotions, special offers and more. If you really want to start getting personal, upload pictures of employees hanging out in the office, making new products, designing site layouts or whatever else comes to mind. Since Facebook is all about socializing, the more you get personal, the better you'll connect with your fans.
Just like email newsletters or Tweets, you need to post updates and reach out to your followers on a regular basis. With social media, this should be perhaps more frequent than you send out your email newsletters. Even if you don't have much to say, simply showing your fans you care is a good way to keep followers from hitting the "unlike" button. You might think about posting a status daily, or at least a few times a week. Keep your company's updates flowing through their feeds, but don't pepper them with too much needless information or spammy posts.
Try to fill up your page with visually interesting media as much as possible. Photos, logos, Facebook wallpapers, and other colorful, eye-catching media are a great start. You might even try to post videos from time to time, even if they only detail seemingly monotonous aspects of your business. You never know what might catch a client's interest!
You really don't have anything to lose by using Facebook for your business. Just be sure to promote your page on your website, business cards, ads, commercials and any other medium you use to draw clients to your website or company. The more "likes" you get, the more followers you'll receive, and that translates to more sales.
This is just the beginning of what you can accomplish when using Facebook for business  . To learn more about making money when using Facebook, head

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